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With over 30 years in the banking and real estate industry, Kearns and Associates understands that each situation is different, and therefore can offer numerous flexible  options to meet your real estate and investing needs.  Here are descriptions of 3 of our more popular programs:

Check-mark-red  Lease/Option Program
This program takes possession of a property by leasing it from the seller (you) with an option to buy it at a predetermined price, retaining the right to sublease it to a tenant/buyer, giving the tenant/buyer the right to purchase it from you. This program is also commonly referred to as a Sandwich Lease.

Check-mark-red  Short Sale
short sale is used when the amount owed exceeds the value of the home.  In a short sale, the seller arranges with their mortgage lender to accept a price that’s Glenda-Farrell-Quoteless than the amount they owe on the property. As part of this arrangement, the lender typically agrees to forgive the rest of the loan. As a result, the seller doesn’t have to go through a foreclosure, the buyer picks up a property at a discount, and the lender avoids taking on the burden of unloading the property.  Lenders generally will only agree to a short sale if the seller is many payments behind and has received a default notice.

Check-mark-red  No Qualifying Financed Loans
Unconventional mortgage loans, such as ‘No Qualifying Financed Loans,’ offer alternative financing opportunities for those who have credit profiles that do not yield a high enough credit score to secure a conventional loan. These people may have immense earning power, and even a long, well-developed credit history.

However, for some reason, their situation does not translate as well to paper, or it just doesn’t at that particular moment in time. Market forces may have also caused lenders to tighten up lending standards and reduced the overall availability of financing.  ‘No qualifying Financed Loans’ can provide the financing required.

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